Friday 30 January 2015

Max on Hardware Review

In Hardware Lane in Melbourne's CBD, everyone tries to get you into their restaurant with special offers. At Max, the spruiker told us he would do us a deal where we get a free drink and starter, so we were like yeah, why not.

As soon as he'd got us in, he didn't give a shit about us. We had no choice on the starter- it was four small slices of garlic bread, and I had limited selection on what beer I could choose.

The meals themselves were pretty decent, no real complaints there. Except after a few minutes of eating my salad, the waitress came over, and shoved a plate with a bread-stick on in in my face.
She explained they'd forgotten to put croutons in my Caesar salad but hey, I could rip up this bread she'd given me and put it in myself.

They also took ages to give us the checque and look, it was just shitty customer service.

Fuck what the food was like, I didn't like their attitude.


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